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An update on how it went at the Music Lab Summer Program

The intensive week long Music Lab workshop in northern Germany was amazing! We used music to address subjects like equality, democracy, inclusion, self recognition, the acknowledgement of the other and community building through creative work! I'm so proud of these youngsters who dared to be crazy through music!

I have to thank Tontalente e.V. and Fabienne Hassloewer for inviting me and for their amazing work. To Word Up for sending me to the training: Arts for Peace and Solidarity from Kinderfreunde Mühlviertel in Klaffer Austria where I met Wolfgang Rohm and Stefanie Pömmer who inspired many of the ideas I used for the program development.

I'm looking forward to do a version of this workshop in October at Play Perform Learn Grow conference in Greece and I'm reaching out to do this workshop with your organization in any part of the world! 💪🏽



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